People and brands are two of a company’s most valuable assets. So taking a healthy approach in motivating your people to create and activate healthy brands will achieve healthier results.
This morning a coffee shop that we’d yet to discover brought us surprise and delight in the level of service delivered by the waitress and barista.
In a market where we hear and experience very little other than “customer service in Australia is really poor”, this little gem took our hearts… and minds – we talk about creating brands that surprise and delight, how could we bottle this brand experience?
10-15 years ago, customer service in Australia was world-renowned. Australians were desired across the world for their work ethic and service mentality. These days, it seems our European and US counterparts have overtaken us. We’re cool and distant, they’re warm and welcoming. We keep our customers waiting in queues until we’re ready, they start serving them. We’re bound by rules, they encourage freedom and enjoyment. This used to be the lucky country, nowadays you’re lucky to get a table let alone a smile. And this translates across service industries, not just hospitality. Think insurance and banking, airlines and public transport, telecommunications and new media, department stores and supermarkets.
Rather than tackle the state of the service nation (or lack thereof), let’s bring it back to brand. At Tiger Mottle, surprise and delight was brought to us by the people delivering the brand experience. The vision, commitment and passion of the owners behind the brand translated through to the service we received. Amongst a plethora of coffee shops, this one stands out. I’ll be going back again.
Good old-fashioned service. Bottle it. And bring it to me.