Brands need to meet rational, emotional and societal needs to engage customers and employees and drive brand performance.
The edelman study indicates that “when all three need states [rational, emotional AND societal] are met simultaneously, the impact is an 11 percent lift, on average, on consumer actions such as purchase (8 percent), defend (10 percent), recommend (12 percent), sharing personal information (11 percent) and sharing branded content (12 percent).”1
In addition to rational and emotional needs, brands need to “demonstrate a clear purpose and vision for the future and that they are using their resources to drive change in the world.”1
Recently Unilever also released results showing the successful performance of brands where they’ve not only cracked but demonstrated purpose. “50% of Unilever’s growth today is coming from brands that are acting on their purpose…. And the growth that we are getting from these brands is 30% higher than the brands where we didn’t crack the purpose.” 2
Great to have the commercial evidence to help brand marketers justify investment in building brands with purpose to drive business performance.
2) Unilever steps up from marketing purpose to brand activism – Stephen Whiteside, WARC, September 2016