Employer branding for growth

Employing new staff is one of the five top strategies for growth in 20171. The challenge is attracting employees right for your business, retaining and engaging them to deliver the experience that customers expect. We spoke to First5000 about building your employer brand for growth. 

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Full Blog: To grow you need people. To attract people, you need an employer brand.

Employing new staff is one of the five top strategies for growth in 20171. The challenge is attracting employees right for your business, retaining and engaging them to deliver the experience that customers expect.

An employer brand that is relevant and compelling to your current and prospective employees and distinguishes your business from your competitors, other industries and markets, enables your business to attract the people you want.

Whilst your business may have different employee value propositions for current versus prospective employees, different employee groups or markets, your employer brand will provide coherence across audiences so your business holds one image in the market. 

What many businesses don’t realise is the impact of aligning your employer brand to your corporate and customer brands. Research indicates that aligning employer and consumer brands delivers 36% growth in shareholder value in over 5 years3. Yet employer brand strategy is only aligned with corporate brand in 41.3% of companies and consumer brand in 10.9%2

Why does aligning employer to customer and corporate brands deliver growth?

  1. Customers can be your employees; employees can be your customers. People gravitate towards other people, brands and businesses that align with their purpose, values and beliefs, whether seeking a place to work, buy or invest.

  2. Consistently delivering against your brand promise. Employees who are engaged with and aligned to your brand deliver more authentic and ‘on-brand’ experiences to customers.

  3. The market sees one social image. Current employees are promoters or detractors for your brand to customers and prospective employees, as much as, if not more so than planned marketing activity.  

  4. Leveraging marketing communications investment. Recruitment advertising links with customer facing advertising, and in some cases, they can do both. Here’s a great example: Childlike Imagination – What My Mom Does at GE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co0qkWRqTdM

Whether your brand architecture is a House of Brands, like Unilever, P&G and Mars or a Branded House such as Google and Virgin Australia, aligning your employer brand to customer and corporate brands drives business results and raises brand value.

For more on One Brand thinking, you can download the whitepaper here: bit.ly/THBC_TPO1 or contact Rachel on email rachel@thehealthybrandcompany.com


1 thinkBig 2016, RSM

2 2013 Employer branding insights study, Employer Branding & the new world @ work, Page 96

3 https://business.linkedin.com/content/dam/business/talent-solutions/global/en_US/site/pdf/datasheets/linkedin-employer-branding-align-your-consumer-and-talent-brand-linkedin-and-lippincott.pdf


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